samedi 28 novembre 2020

TERRA CEVENOLA : angelic fantasy / 📚😇👽fiction / fantasy angelic

TERRA CEVENOLA presentation 📚😃👩🏼👩🏻‍🦰🐇😇👽🐺 So funny that I should say WHO instead of which when talking about the novel 🤣😂 first minute of the clip 🎬#terracevenola #author #auteur #autrice #romanciere #louisatreyborac #novel #book #bookstagram #lecture #lectureaddict #livresque #livre #livraddict #roman #thriller #thrillerbooks #thrillerpsychologique #fantasy #fantastic #fantastique #angelic #anges #angelicnovel #angelicfiction #fictionangelique #writer #fictioninspiree #inspired #inspiredfiction

samedi 21 novembre 2020

Louisa Treyborac on the matchless pearl / la perle sans prix

 Bilingual inspired author shares about how this true story of an Indian diver inspires her writing. L’autrice bilingue inspirée partage l’émotion suscitée par ce véridique récit de vie qui imprègne son écriture. Links / liens : Free novels in french included for lockdown / Romans& nouvelles en lecture offerte inclus pour ce confinement #louisatreyborac #bilingual #bilingue #bilingualauthor #inspiredauthor #inspiredwriter #autriceinspiree #auteureinspiree #auteurinspire #thematchlesspearl #laperlesansprix #diver #plongeur #recitdevie #lifestory #truestory #histoirevraie #inspiration #inspirant #inspiring #inspired #confinement #onestensemble #lockdown #westandtogether #together #ensemble #spirituality #spiritualite